About the Original Book
The God of the Bible is sovereign over not just Heaven but the entire earth—its human beings, societies, and governments. In light of this, individual believers and churches can and must seek to be effective “salt and light” (Matthew 5:13-16) influencers on human institutions in the public square. The Holy Scriptures provide plenty of clear instructions on developing healthy congregations and the primary ministries of worship, Body life, evangelism, discipleship, and social concern, including a mandate for what the late Charles Colson called the “Cultural Commission.”
Outside church walls, however, advocating for timeless, Judeo-Christian values among the broader American populace is frequently more complicated, daunting, and frustrating. Such involvement can be strewn with hidden landmines of conflict, opposition, and disillusionment. The result: timidity and limited impact long-term.
The Shocking Disconnect
The God of the Bible is sovereign over not just Heaven but the entire earth – its human beings, societies, and governments. In light of this, individual believers and churches can and must seek to be effective “salt and light” (Matthew 5:13-16) influencers on human institutions in the public square. The Holy Scriptures provide plenty of clear instructions on developing healthy congregations and the primary ministries of worship, Body life, evangelism, discipleship, and social concern, including a mandate for what the late Charles Colson called the “Cultural Commission.”
Outside church walls, however, advocating for timeless Judeo-Christian values among the broader American populace is frequently more complicated, daunting, and frustrating. Such involvement can be strewn with hidden landmines of conflict, opposition, and disillusionment. The result: timidity and limited impact long-term.
Proportionally, few believers and church leaders enter and remain strategically engaged in the battle to re-claim that which was historically beneficial in earlier years of our culture and U.S. constitutional republic. Despite today’s obvious secularization, moral deterioration, and the disunity of our American society and nation originally established “under God” and guided by biblically-based principles, many Christians have remained disconnected and directed their attention elsewhere.
How is it that, given the still significant percentage of Christians (evangelicals, members of mainstream Protestant denominations, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches) here in the U.S., our collective influence on key institutions like traditional marriage and family, education, journalism, entertainment media, business, and local/state/federal government is largely negligible? Fellow believers who stand unified during a weekend worship service praising our Triune God, unfortunately, often are divided over fundamental social/political issues on Monday…and on Tuesday, cast opposing votes for candidates and political platforms that are nearly 180 degrees apart. If we as Christ-followers are studying and applying the same Old and New Testaments week after week, how is it we end up embracing a variety of – often divergent – worldviews and policy positions? No wonder our impact on culture and societal institutions is inconsistent, fragmented, and muted, and the Kingdom’s advance is less potent!
What’s missing?
The author’s conviction is that many Christians (knowingly or unknowingly) have inserted other values, philosophies, and personal opinions ABOVE the Word of God, too often ignoring or reinterpreting His clear commands and eternal truth. In short, men and women of faith must recommit themselves to living obediently and with Kingdom impact under the Lordship of Jesus Christ in the spheres of cultural and political engagement. What this looks like practically and how it can apply to the worldviews, voices, and actions of believers in 21st-century America is the focus of this book.

About the Companion Study Guide
For readers of The Shocking Disconnect who want to dive more deeply into the book’s insights and practically apply its calls to action, this is an excellent resource for you. The workbook’s twelve chapters correlate directly with those in Daubenspeck’s original book. Whether studied individually, as part of a small (life/growth) group, or in a church adult discussion class, this complete curriculum fits well into a calendar quarter schedule format.
The Shocking Disconnect
For readers of The Shocking Disconnect who want to dive more deeply into the book’s insights and practically apply its calls to action, this is an excellent resource for you. The workbook’s twelve chapters correlate directly with those in Daubenspeck’s original book. Whether studied individually, as part of a small (life/growth) group, or in a church adult discussion class, this complete curriculum fits well into a calendar quarter schedule format.
Each chapter is strategically designed to include relationship-building activities, Bible study and discussion, suggestions for practical service and influencing societal institutions, life sharing, and prayer. PLUS, this volume provides valuable supplementary guidelines to foster healthy group dialogue and additional coaching tips for leaders/facilitators.
Typically, you and I learn more when we explore scriptural texts and discuss their implications with other believers. Individual viewpoints and perspectives are broadened and enhanced in the process. And, when it comes to daily applying God’s truth as biblical citizens in relation to our culture and politics, we typically experience greater accountability and courage to obey Christ’s “salt and light” mandate as we team up with fellow Jesus-followers. Take advantage of this truly helpful guidebook by ordering your copy today!

A Meaningful Exploration of Religion and American Culture and Politics
Delve into the intricate relationship between religion and politics in America through The Shocking Disconnect, a book written by author David V. Daubenspeck. A seasoned expert in religion and culture, he offers insightful discussions that shed light on the intertwining forces that shape modern American society. His latest masterpiece explores the crucial role of both politics and religion in the country.
In this compelling American politics and culture book, Daubenspeck skillfully dissects the complexities of religion and politics in America. Through meticulous research and thought-provoking analysis, he unravels the intricate web that connects these two significant facets of society.
With an unwavering commitment to providing clarity on this crucial subject, he offers a fresh perspective, challenging conventional notions and sparking conversations. His profound insights shine a light on the importance of understanding the influence of religion and politics in shaping the fabric of our nation.
If you are intrigued by the relationship between religion and politics in America, Daubenspeck’s books are a must-read. Immerse yourself in his illuminating narratives that explore the profound impact of religion on culture and politics. Expand your understanding and engage in a learning journey with David, a true trailblazer in the realm of faith and culture.
The Shocking Disconnect
For readers of The Shocking Disconnect who want to dive more deeply into the book’s insights and practically apply its calls to action, this is an excellent resource for you. The workbook’s twelve chapters correlate directly with those in Daubenspeck’s original book. Whether studied individually, as part of a small (life/growth) group, or in a church adult discussion class, this complete curriculum fits well into a calendar quarter schedule format.
Each chapter is strategically designed to include relationship-building activities, Bible study and discussion, suggestions for practical service and influencing societal institutions, life sharing, and prayer. PLUS, this volume provides valuable supplementary guidelines to foster healthy group dialogue and additional coaching tips for leaders/facilitators.
Typically, you and I learn more when we explore scriptural texts and discuss their implications with other believers. Individual viewpoints and perspectives are broadened and enhanced in the process. And, when it comes to daily applying God’s truth as biblical citizens in relation to our culture and politics, we typically experience greater accountability and courage to obey Christ’s “salt and light” mandate as we team up with fellow Jesus-followers. Take advantage of this truly helpful guidebook by ordering your copy today!